The perfect "starter" bouquet to experience beautiful garden roses!
Proudly Grown in California! We are excited to offer our most affordable bouquet ever! The Rosey Posey is a FARMER'S CHOICE bouquet which means your roses will be any color of our choosing. We design your bouquet with a variety of our prettiest roses of the day. Your bouquet may include pink, coral, fuchsia, peach, cream, violet, golden, lavender and wine-colored garden roses. This is the perfect bouquet to send someone who needs a little joy or encouragement and at a price point we hope makes you smile!
If you require specific colors for your roses, please order one of our other bouquets that are crafted by color.
Your garden roses are cut-to-order to ensure the freshest blooms. You will receive 18 stems of exceptionally grown garden roses.
Whimsical Beauty & Decadent Color
We specialize in shapes of garden roses that have old-fashioned, whimsical, romantic form and the colors are unique with beautiful shading and vintage tones.
- cut-to-order
- we ship nationwide
- 90,000 happy customers
- exceptional vase life
- beautiful form and colors