Thursday, September 15 at NOON PT

We are excited to offer rose bushes as part of our farm's mission to bring joy and beauty to flower lovers! All of the roses listed below are part of our personal collection that we have lovingly nurtured with the best organic growing methods. We are selling only a fraction of our collection and will continue to grow roses for many years to come.

To shop roses when they go on sale, please register your email here. We will open the shop to those registered so they can reserve their roses first and then to the public.

Important Information / FAQ

  • Our rose bushes are mature plants between 3 and 6 years old with extensive root systems and have been part of our rose farm.
  • Our rose bushes are only treated with OMRI rated pesticides.
  • Rose bushes will be shipped bare-root during the dormancy season this winter according to your area's last frost date (from January through April).
  • The vast majority of our roses are grafted (not own root). We cannot promise that you will receive an own-root rose, so you should expect your rose(s) to be grafted.
  • If you are local to us, you may pick-up at our farm in January. You must pay for shipping at the time of purchase and your shipping charges will be refunded at the time of pick-up.
  • Comprehensive growing instructions are included with each purchase.
  • GRF provides a 1-year warranty on all plants. Roses purchased outside your gardening zone are not part of our warranty. If you live in zone 4 and purchase a rose suitable for zones 6-10, GRF is not liable for that rose's health.
  • At this time we cannot offer any wholesale pricing on our rose bushes.

** Denotes limited quantities

All Dressed Up
Apricots n' Cream
Black Baccara
** Boscobel
** Carding Mill
Celestial Night
Chicago Peace
Classic Woman
** Connie's Sandstorm
Crazy Love
Crocus Rose
Crown Princess Margareta
** Darcey Bussell
** Distant Drums
Ebb Tide
Emily Bronte
** Evelyn 
Fiji Eleganza
Francis Meilland
Fun in the Sun
Gentle Hermione
Honey Dijon
Hot Cocoa
Ingrid Bergman
** Jubilee Celebration
** Koko Loko
Leonardo DaVinci
Life of the Party
Love Song
Marc Chagall
Marilyn Monroe
Miranda Lambert
Moonlight in Paris
Moonlight Romantica
** Munstead Wood
Olivia Rose Austin
Paris de Yves St. Laurent
Pink Traviata
Plum Perfect
** Princess Alexandra of Kent
Princess Charlene of Monaco
Queen of Elegance
Red Traviata
Roald Dahl
Rouge Royale
Shirley's Bouquet
** State of Grace
Strawberry Hill
Sweet Mademoiselle
** The Alnwick Rose
** The Ancient Mariner
The Generous Gardener
Thomas A Becket
Vanessa Bell
Yves Piaget