Last weekend was pretty hot where we live about 30 mins inland from the ocean, so we decided to take Seraphina to the beach for the first time!

We went to the beach that I grew up going to and lived only two minutes walking distance from. I spent a lot of time on the sand as a kid and only remembered recently that we live so close to where I grew up for several years. I had dreams of Seraphina loving playing in the sand, but she’s a bit too young and she thought the ocean was really scary. Next time!!

Ryan held her while the waves rolled in and I’ve never seen her cling to him so much. She was so cute, despite not being sure about the ocean. Lots of people asked where her suit is from when I shared photos on Instagram, and I’m sorry to say it’s sold out in children’s’ sizes, but there are some adult sizes left!

I took some of my favorite summer things on our beach trip, including these beautiful stripped umbrellas from Business and Pleasure that we bought for Seraphina’s birthday party. One of my favorite woven bags also came with us to hold all our beach supplies. The My Sunshine tote was created in honor of Mary Everard. Diagnosed with breast cancer in early 2020, Mary overcame the obstacles and found joy and beauty around every corner. This whimsical rattan tote reminds me to spread joy and live for today!

Since we live so close to the beach I’m hoping to go back more often. While we were there we saw people riding their horses on the sand, sailing, and just having a restful day. I forgot how much I love the beach and how much peace it brings me.
Shop our beach favorites below!