Mother's Day Bouquet Shop


Our Mother's Day Bouquet Shop

We are touched and overwhelmed by the amount of inquiries we’ve received for our garden rose bouquets! It's heartwarming to know so many of you want to support our farm right now. While our roses aren't blooming quite yet, we are gearing up for spring bouquets in April and our limited handcrafted Mother's Day bouquets!

Last year we launched our bouquet shop on Mother’s Day and sold out in one day! It was so unexpected and helped our farm tremendously. We are excited to relaunch our bouquet shop for Mother’s Day 2020 later this week!

This year looks a bit different for everyone and we want to thank you in advance for supporting us. With the state of what’s going on in the world right now, we want to ensure you that our roses are not only grown with the utmost love and care, but are also free of dangerous chemicals and minimally handled by our employees. Every rose is grown at our farm and never sourced elsewhere. We know you have a choice in what you bring into your home, especially in these uncertain times, and we thank you!

Our Mother’s Day Bouquet will feature 28 stems of our most fragrant blush, mauve and pink organically grown garden roses tied off with hand dyed silk ribbon from Tono & Co. A handwritten card is included for your personal message. Also included is a Grace Rose Farm linen sachet and directions for drying petals so the scent of our roses can be enjoyed for many years to come. Pricing will be $149, which is the lowest we’ve ever offered our roses in a bouquet over two dozen stems!

For early access to our limited Mother’s Day Bouquet, simply fill out the form below. We will let you know when they go on sale and give you priority ordering! We will not announce our Mother’s Day Bouquet on social media until those who register here have had the opportunity to make their purchase. 

As farmers and employers to devoted men and women who love working with our roses, we deeply appreciate your support and cannot thank you enough. Many of you have asked how our farm is being affected by COVID-19. To be honest, we are expecting a total loss of wedding income for the foreseeable future. Our farm will be hard hit this spring, as weddings are being canceled well into our growing season. This winter we invested in thousands more rose bushes to meet demand for weddings and now don't know if/when we will need those roses. We rely upon floral designers doing weddings for 95% of our revenue. Without weddings, we will not have anyone to send our roses to unless we boost our retail bouquet shop sales. We have six seasonal employees we planned to bring back to work on April 1st to start our season, but will not be able to unless we are able to convert our wedding business into bouquet sales and spread joy with our roses in a new way. We will reopen our bouquet shop this week and begin shipping in mid-April when our roses bloom and are hoping for a very successful Mother's Day!

What we can promise you is this... If you've never put your nose into a real garden grown rose and taken in its intoxicating scent, you are in for a treat that will be engrained in your senses forever. If you’ve never watched garden roses transform from a bud to fully open bloom to dropping their petals gracefully beneath them, you will be struck by the beauty of witnessing their life cycle. If you’ve never collected a rose’s fallen petals, dried them and saved them in a sachet, you will fall in love with their everlasting perfume. The experience of our garden roses is a memory you will keep forever. We can’t wait to send the ladies in your life a piece of our farm this Mother’s Day and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting our farm!

To register for early access to our Mother’s Day Bouquet, simply fill in the form here. Thank you!

David Austin Garden Roses

The world's most loved and cherished garden roses for English breeder, David Austin.

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