Gracie's Mother's Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day holds a special place in my heart this year, as it is the first year I will be celebrating with our 11 month old daughter Seraphina! Last year on Mother’s Day we were in the midst of the busiest season we’ve ever had with our roses while embarking on adoption. Mother’s Day has always been a tough time of year for me. My mother passed away from cancer when I was five. She was sick and hospitalized for the entire time she was alive so I don’t have any memories of her. Fortunately, my grandma, auntie and adoptive mother filled the motherly roles in my life and shaped me to be the person I am.

More recently as an adult and due to infertility, I wasn’t able to become a mother until age 40 so I missed out on celebrating Mother’s Day for much of my life. Ryan and I shared our journey to becoming parents on our blog here and you can read about Seraphina’s adoption story here. We’re so grateful that we can share our roses with so many ladies on Mother’s Day. It’s the biggest blessing to be able to spread joy with our roses!

I thought it would be nice to share some beautiful gift ideas with you all. The items I chose to share are from brands and ladies I love to support. I hope this gift guide provides you with some ideas for when you are shopping for your moms and other ladies you love!


We are also putting together a list of my favorite jewelry pieces to gift, as well as my favorite bags, so stay tuned for those! 

David Austin Garden Roses

The world's most loved and cherished garden roses for English breeder, David Austin.

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