To Our Emmie June

I had plans today to write about a piece of music that’s been the most meaningful composition of my life. A masterpiece from the Romantic Period that I’ve devoured hundreds of times and traveled extensively to hear the great philharmonics perform. This symphony, Mahler’s monumental second, The Resurrection, brings me to places within that are deeply transformative and self reflective, often to heart wrenching tears. Today, July 7th, would be Gustav Mahler’s 161st birthday. It’s also the day that we lost our beautiful Emmie June. I can’t help but think she has left us in perfect timing on the day I was going to celebrate Mahler’s ethereal and epic symphony about life, death and resurrection. This symphony that’s been the anthem of my life and this day bring new meaning to me as I remember the life of our Emmie.

Dear Emmie June, I’m so thankful for the three years we had together. We adopted you and your twin sister, Ellie Rose, when you were 15 months old. We don’t know a lot about your life before you came to live amongst the roses, but we are so grateful for your beautiful spirited soul that I will never forget. Of all our beloved pets, you were the spunkiest. You barked the most, you got into the garbage way too often, you hunted for gophers and always kept us on our toes. We had three perfect years with you. When you got sick with lymphoma last December we spared no expense and got you the most compassionate, loving doctor. And you did so well, sweet girl. No one even knew you had cancer. You never showed us you were sick and you were still the most energetic of all the dogs, even while getting chemo. I am broken-hearted, to say the least. When we decided to adopt dogs, I researched extensively and chose the majestic, utterly beautiful Great Pyrenees because of all the large breed dogs, you have the longest lifespan (10-13 years). Knowing your life was only four years shatters me. It’s so unfair. You were supposed to live to be old with your twin sister. I can’t help but think the best pass young and that’s so true for you, baby girl. I’m going to miss you forever. Ellie Rose will miss you, too. You two were so adorable together from the moment I met you at the rescue. I fell in love with my gorgeous twin sisters immediately and knew you were meant to be mine. You must have been really special to win me over so quickly because I was a cat lover who never took to any dogs before I met you two. I’m so sorry we couldn’t make you better, Emmie. We tried everything and took you to the best of the best doctors. We are planting an Emmie rose garden for you and will never forget our time together. You went to sleep for the last time with our roses beside you and you’ll forever be a rose in my heart. I love you so much.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for Emmie and us. Since June 22nd Emmie has been an inpatient receiving wonderful, loving, advanced care. I have been an emotional and physical wreck unable to do anything but worry over our dearest girl. We threw every resource we could towards her getting well, but her body quickly deteriorated the past few days despite initial signs that she was responding to treatment. Biopsies and bloodwork revealed that her cancer had spread throughout her body and there was no more to be done. The kindest thing we could do was let her go today even though it is the absolute worst decision to make. I always feel a deep sense of peace and resolve once we let one of our babies pass and I know I will soon feel that way about Emmie.

We cannot thank you all enough for your support. Hundreds of people purchased our Emmie Bouquet and doing so made her medical care more manageable. If you would like to send yourself or your loved one an Emmie Bouquet, we are donating the profits to The Labelle Foundation, a Los Angeles foster based 501(c)(3) animal rescue devoted to saving, rehabilitating, and advocating for dogs. We will also be donating to the Great Pyrenees Association of Southern California, which is the rescue where we adopted our sweet Emmie, Ellie and Buddy. Our farm would not be the same without our Great Pyrenees and we are incredibly touched by the outpouring of love for our farm and dogs. We would have given up all our roses to bring Emmie June home to us.

With a broken heart,


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