Farm Membership Benefits
Limited Memberships Available
Beautiful Birthday Bouquet!
Your membership includes a bouquet of roses for your birthday.
Member-Only Invite to Spring Farm Tour
Visit our California farm to see all the roses in the spring!
Member-Only Sales
Starting in 2023, our best sales and offerings will be exclusive for members.
Grace Rose Gives
Each membership allows us to give TWO bouquets to charities and good causes!
Farmworker Awareness
Your membership allows GRF to provide year-round employment for farm workers.
Grace Rose Farm Membership

Grace Rose Gives
We love to gift our roses to great causes! In 2022 we delivered thousands of roses to senior centers, teachers and hospitals. Your membership allows us to give two bouquets to wonderful causes and provide joy for people.

Farmworker Awareness
Flower farming is seasonal, however we strive to provide year-round work for our employees. By joining our farm, your membership allows us to provide stability for the families that make GRF so special.

Advancing Garden Roses
The farm is committed to being an integral part of the worldwide rose industry. We are supporting rose breeders and growers so they can continue to develop gorgeous new roses for all to love!
Your Birthday Bouquet
To thank you for your membership and support of our farm, we will send you a gift card to our shop the month before your birthday! You can choose any bouquet up to $125. Send your birthday bouquet to a loved one or treat yourself!